Security 2014: My personal impression

DruckOn the occasion of its 40th anniversary, Security Essen presented itself on its best form: 1,045 exhibitors from around 40 nations showed a large number of innovations for civil security at Messe Essen at the end of September – including worldwide conglomerates such as Bosch, Panasonic, Sony and Siemens. For the first time, the premier global fair in Essen offered more than 40 market segments: from mechanical and digital security technology via fire protection and video surveillance right up to IT security and counter-terrorism. This comprehensive overview of the market attracted about 40,000 trade visitors from more than 110 countries. „With these very good figures, Security Essen has impressively highlighted that it is the worldwide number one in the sector,“ was the résumé made by Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen. „Together with the global security industry, we are pleased about the unsurpassed quality of the range on offer, internationality and participation.“ (Press Messe Essen GmbH)

Also, my personal impression of the exhibition was very positive. I have picked me out some interesting of the many innovations. I will report in the next few days about it.