New campus of Vienna University of Economics and Business secured with SALTO access control system

Das Library & Learning Center des neuen Campus der WU Wien. Bildquelle: WU Wien/Christof Wagner
Library & Learning Center of the new Campus WU Vienna.
Picture: WU Vienna/Christof Wagner

The new campus of Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, WU Vienna) is a project second to none. The electronic access control for about 4,500 access points across the campus with heavy integration of other systems was delivered by ESSECCA GmbH, the exclusive distributor of SALTO Systems in Austria. „New campus of Vienna University of Economics and Business secured with SALTO access control system“ weiterlesen

Deutsche Firmen lassen gravierende Sicherheitslücken zu

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Passwort (Symbolbild): Eklatante Sicherheitsmängel
Passwort (Symbolbild): Eklatante Sicherheitsmängel
Bild: Reuters

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