Panikrooms: Der Schutz im eigenen Haus

Bild: Turtle Saferrooms

Ist Deutschland eigentlich ein sicheres Land? Müssen wir uns Sorgen um unsere Zukunft machen, gibt es vielleicht Hungersnöte oder eine hohe Kindersterblichkeit? UN-Studien belegen, dass Deutschland zu den sichersten Ländern der Welt gehört. Ein globaler Friedensindex zeigt, dass die Kriegsgefahr oder die Gefahr terroristischer Anschläge hierzulande eher gering ist. Jedenfalls im Vergleich zu den meisten der 153 untersuchten Staaten. „Panikrooms: Der Schutz im eigenen Haus“ weiterlesen

How a large data center is protected against physical attacks

Smacs_logo_01The world-wide established SMACS solutions of the Swiss company FASTCOM are installed in two new data centers of a renowned financial institution in Niedersachsen, Germany. A total of six airlocks are equipped with the SMACS people and material anti-tailgating solutions and are in accordance with TÜV-IT Level 3 norm. „How a large data center is protected against physical attacks“ weiterlesen

Hotel security: the crime iceberg theory

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Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if we all accepted the risks in this world and treated them as a given, instead of constantly trying to find proof that these risks actually exist? This new mindset would transform uncertainty into reality and the new circumstances would become certain. With this new mindset we would actually start making progress and it would give us a new perspective to fight crime from a safe distance. For example, cyber crime and terrorism are phenomena that can’t be ignored because they are real, even if they not happening directly in our own backyard…….


„Hotel security: the crime iceberg theory“ weiterlesen