Industrial doors in high security quality

Security Industrial doors – also for the private sector

Picture: Protec Industrial Doors

Major role in the architectural design of facades have large industrial doors for a variety of applications – from aircraft hangars and warehouse entrances up to theaters and concert halls.

Disparate interests like wishes of functionality, aesthetics, form and safety requirements (burglary resistance, bullet resitance, blast resitance, fire protection, etc.) often collide with each other. „Industrial doors in high security quality“ weiterlesen

Industrietore in Hochsicherheitsqualität

Sicherheitsindustrietore – auch für den Privatbereich

Foto: Protec Industrial Doors

Großen Anteil an der architektonischen Gestaltung von Fassaden haben großflächige Industrietore für verschiedenste Anwendungen – von Lagerzufahrten und Flugzeug-Hangars bis hin zu Theatern und Konzertsälen.

Hier treffen oftmals scheinbar unvereinbare Interessen aufeinander, gespeist aus den Wünschen an Funktionalität, Ästhetik, Form und Sicherheitsanforderungen ( Einbruchhemmung, Beschusshemmung, Explosionshemmung, Brandschutz, etc.) „Industrietore in Hochsicherheitsqualität“ weiterlesen

Security at the sea

Picture: Delignit

The definition „ship security“ refers not only  to an accident, but also to the protection of the ship, its passengers and goods against piracy. In the most notorious waters off Somalia, Malaysia, and Indonesia, but also in the Caribbean, not only the merchant ships has to fear attacks. Meanwhile, luxurious private yachts attacked by terrorists, kidnappers, robbers and smugglers. Unfortunately, robbing, stealing, and kidnapping are already common practice, but also the ruthless killing people when pirates to board the ships. „Security at the sea“ weiterlesen


Sachverstand ist oft gefragt aber schwer zu finden.

Jeder, der schon einmal kompetente Beratung und Unterstützung durch sachverständige Personen gesucht hat, weiß, dass dies in der Realitiät ein schwieriges Unterfangen sein kann. Insbesondere in interdisziplinären Bereichen, wie in der Sicherheitsbranche, gibt es wenige, die über den eigenen Tellerrand hinaus komplexe Zusammenhänge begreifen und konzeptionell umsetzten können. Nicht selten fühlen sich Anwender einfach überfordert. „SACHVERSTAND – SCHNELL GEFUNDEN“ weiterlesen

Intelligent surveillance system for private use

Prevention is a preventive measure in order to avoid an adverse event. Especially in the security advisory is the „predictive avoidance of problems“ the fundamental topic. Criminal activities such as break-ins, sabotage attacks, terrorist attacks, etc., should be nipped in the bud. For this purpose is preventive security measures necessary.

For me as a security consultant is the prevention very important, as these prevent damage before it occurs. For this purpose a security system has developed for the private sector by a integrator of SICK. This system includes different security components.

With this system is it possible to determine a precise a definition of the monitoring area

„Intelligent surveillance system for private use“ weiterlesen