New AMAX intrusion alarm systems from Bosch

Hybrid panels and wireless peripherals expand applications supported and improve performance

  • Three intrusion alarm systems with 8, 32 and 64 zones
  • Hybrid operation combines support of wired devices and the new RADION wireless family
  • More flexibility and scalability allows customizable security for numerous applications
New RADION wireless range from Bosch The new RADION wireless range comprises 15 different products, including motion detectors, window and other dry contacts, key fobs, and smoke detectors.

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AMAX-Familie für Einbruchmelderzentralen von Bosch wird erweitert

Neue Hybridpanels und Funkperipherie ergänzen Leistungs- und Anwendungsspektrum

  • Drei Einbruchmelderzentralen für 8, 32 und 64 Linien
  • Hybridbetrieb kombiniert funk- und drahtgebundene Melder
  • Investitionssicherheit durch flexible Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten
Neue RADION-Funkperipherie von Bosch Die neue RADION-Funkperipheriereihe von Bosch umfasst 15 verschiedene Produkte, darunter Bewegungsmelder, Fensterkontakte, Funk-Handsender und Rauchmelder.

„AMAX-Familie für Einbruchmelderzentralen von Bosch wird erweitert“ weiterlesen

Parliament supports life-saving eCall system in cars

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Life-saving eCall devices in cars by 2015 © BELGA/ANP/ D.Dam

Emergency call devices that automatically alert rescue services to car crashes must be fitted to all new models of cars and light vans in the EU by October 2015, said MEPs on Wednesday in a vote on draft legislation setting up the eCall system. Road accidents across the EU caused 28 000 deaths and left 1.5 million injured in 2012……

Source: European Parliament