Ich empfehle folgenden Link:
Bullet resistance and blast resistance in an attractive architecture
In addition to optimal security engineering function, the aesthetic design plays a major role. What is needed is a high-quality architectural desgin that style compliant as possible adds in a given setting.
A private residence somewhere in Germany: Tasteful and cozy living atmosphere in the spacious living and reading area. „Bullet resistance and blast resistance in an attractive architecture“ weiterlesen
Wagner Group – Detecting fire as early as possible
I recommend the following link: Wagners Titanus ASD systems can detect fires at a very early stage, often before visible smouldering takes place, before an open fire occurs and before intense smoke develops…..
Sources: Euro Security
New SALTO antipanic bar for fire safety devices
I recommend the following link: SALTO has launched a brand new mortise lock panic bar for emergency exit doors……
Source: Euro Security
SCHOTT: Fire resistant glass with multifunctional solutions
Source: Euro Security